Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Flight Radio Operators Licence (FROL)

I ventured out to the field this morning to sit for the FROL & CHUF. I was told by the front desk when I called to book that I should just come in and no need to book. Upon sticking my head into the CFI’s office as seems the protocol, I was promptly told CPL exam need to be sat elsewhere and I can book it through ASL. All booked in for Thursday. This I guess can be a pitfall of going it alone as a part time student; you miss out on some information even though it is all there on CASA’s website.

FROL was really straight forward, and is basically an open book exam; you are allowed to bring in the AIP’s and an ERSA. One thing I have learned to do is to look up the answer even when I think I know it. I corrected myself at least twice in the PPL exam using that technique; if the resources are there why not use them?

I wasn’t able to find much information on this exam, I asked my instructor for a study guide, which turned out to be the answers to all the questions on the exam. The exam is set by the school and there is a syllabus on the CASA website to study from. I will post my notes in the coming days. The only real advice for this one is that it is very short, know the syllabus and don’t sweat it. I guess I will do my practical test as part of my PPL...

Well it’s that time of year; I’ve renewed my Class 1 medical for another year, and renewed my ASIC for another 2 years. As much as I don’t like to pay for them, I quite like the process of it all.

Rain prediction for March in Sydney

My plan has been to knock over my PPL practical in 5 days straight, although Sydney has not and is not looking to provide it any time soon!

Luckily I have 4 more CPL theory exams before I really get stuck so if the weather doesn’t improve here in Sydney, I may need to scoot to QLD to finish it off, it will mean I will be less familiar and will have to do extra flights but I really have a tight timeline to get all this done. According to the 150 Integrated CPL course I’m on, I can’t sit for Ops, Law and Nav until I’ve done 5 hours cross country PIC.

My time line is basically 1 exam every 2 weeks for the CPL, IREX and ATPL. A VERY heavy workload, I do enjoy it though and the study gets rhythmic and finetuned more as I get along!

I also thought I post this great song by the Foo Fighters - Learning to Fly
[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1VQ_3sBZEm0]

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