Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Back in the circuit, this time with company! – 12.02.12

Here in Sydney we have had an incredible amount of rain, hardly a summer at all! So when the opportunity comes and the rain stops for long enough for the runways to dry off, there was no way I was not going to head out to the strip! With my budget tighter than, well it’s tight, I decided to switch back to my old fried C152. I must admit, I do have a sentimental affection for these small craft. Maybe it’s because it was the first airplane to truly scare the pants off me!

I can remember vividly venturing out to the airport for my Trial Introductory Flight(TIF) before my first lesson and looking at the seemingly tiny bird and thinking, there’s no way I’m going into the sky in that! Well I did, sweating and with a death grip of the seat between my legs! From that first fateful flight, the humble little bird has provided great joy, as well as the odd spooky experience, such as the door popping open in a steep left bank and I’ll certainly never forget the seat jumping it’s rails and sliding backwards on take off!

So out I head on this gorgeous Sunday morning, CAVOK! My beautiful fiancé honored me by getting up early and making the trek with me out to the field, and taking some just fantastic pictures and filming of my instrument panel for my own study.

[caption id="attachment_27" align="alignleft" width="300" caption="Elbow out the window, witing for turbulence!"][/caption]

After a thorough pre-flight, washing of the windows and a briefing for my most valuable passenger, we were cleared for start up for circuits on 29L. Making the taxi over to the Bunnings side, I noticed only one plane in the circuit, wow, I thought, not only has the sun come up, but the other folks have stayed away, unrushed circuits! Unfortunately the quiet didn’t last, whilst in the taxi I heard another request for start up for circuit, then another and then another! From 1 to 6 before I’d even started my run ups! All cleared and ready to go, I put in my radio call, get permission to the holding point, when I contact the tower, they advise me that there will be a delay due to turbulence from a heavy helicopter! Suddenly the 152 feels very small and light! Alas it turned out to be Elvis, or an impersonator and was over near the tower and far enough from me to be a concern. That said, I am grateful for the cautiousness of the tower! I can say one thing, waiting for 40mins with your feet on the brakes when the park brake doesn’t work gets tiring!

[caption id="attachment_28" align="alignnone" width="300" caption="Where is that fuel drain?"][/caption]

When I finally did get into the air, I managed to sneak in 3 circuits before time was up and I had to get the plane back to Schofields for the next hirer. I had an awesome time, and a big thanks to my beautiful camera woman for coming and filming the instruments and taking some great shots!



1 comment:

  1. How terrific to be able to know and feel how you are going with this. I am so proud of you and Alisha for the committment you are both makeing for this dream to come true. It is great to know you have the courage of your convictions. Always remember the grey clouds dont last forever and clear blue sky is ahead. Love and hugs, Mum
