Saturday, February 18, 2012

Lesson on self study!

Whilst my nav exercises are on hold due to the ongoing cloudy and rainy weather, I have decided to get ahead on my theory, my plan is to knock over 1 CPL exam a week.
This last week I have been studying CPL Navigation and have purchased my practice exams, written my study notes and am all sorted for booking my exam.
In doing some research on PPRuNe on other pilot's experiences in the exams, I stumbled upon a comment making reference to the CASA Day VFR Syllabus . Specifically the rules to attempting the CPL exams. I was of the understanding that after the BAK I was free to undertake the rest of my theory.
The syllabus states that as part of the 150 integrated course, the exams can only be given a pass after completing 5 hours PIC cross country.
Or secondary to that, attempts can be made to AGK, MET, HUF and AERO!
None of those being NAV!
So I've studied for an exam I can't sit, well it is all valuable and will be easier to re study when the time comes!
Any of you out there going down the self study road at home, I hope this is useful and you catch it before you make the same mistake I did!

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