Saturday, July 21, 2012


Whilst I am currently grounded due to study and work commitments, I don't have any flights to write about, I did recently come across a great documentary about a young girl circumnavigating Australia by plane. It is quite old (2006) and the quality is scratchy VHS, but I found it to be enjoyable nonetheless, in fact it also inspired my fiance to suggest a flying honeymoon! It really doesn't get much better than that!

It is the tale of young girl named Monika Petrillo as she takes part in a flying safari almost the entire coastline of Australia. There is some great footage and is a mix of seriously hair raising and breathtaking. Strong xwind landings, VFR into IFR and broken radios, thrown into the mix with a splash of parent-sibling squabbling, the self reflecting narrative of the film maker did at times make me think.

I recommend this to anyone in need of inspiration, or who like me, needs a fix until they can strap in o the left seat.

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