We started off with an ILS into Richmond, very cool flying over the top of the military aircraft, I think C17's but don't quote me! Next up we flew an VOR, NDB and a GPS into Mudgee the finally an RNAV (GNSS) into Dubbo.
After a short breather, and briefly being attacked by nesting birds protecting their young, we were off for a few circuits and simulated engine failures in the circuit. Surprisingly the Aztec flew quite well on one engine an we were able to continue with the climb and fly a reasonably standard circuit.
Flying back in the dark, we came close to a number of thunderstorm cells, but were far enough away to be safe. Listening to the radio as we were coming in for a 3 mile final another aircraft was told by the tower to follow but as we watched continued to turn towards us and cut in front of us! We slowed as much as we could and the tower promptly told the other pilot to go around, another one of those moments that being at a busy training airport like Bankstown affords you! div class="separator"style="clear: both; text-align: center;">